At Mastertek we love to share our experience.

We are a boutique consultancy focused on providing practical advice in relation to organisation design and employee engagement, performance and reward.  We believe that putting people first is critical to delivering sustainable business results – and we know how to create the employee engagement levels required to make it happen.

A desire to help build sustainable, high-performing organisations has been the common objective of our consulting team for over 20 years.  We continue to seek solutions to the big organisational challenges and to translate the complexity of human resourcing into practical, actionable strategies that our clients can implement.  Based on active research and collaboration between our consultants and global thought leaders we continue to uncover the shared traits of organisations that outperform their peers; what brings their people together and what enables them to succeed.

Our consultants have developed deep expertise across a range of related organisational practices that drive employee engagement and motivation from leadership development and performance management, reward strategy, job evaluation and salary system design through to employee engagement surveys and market benchmarking.

We’re the small firm that delivers big results.

Organisational Design and HR Strategy

Look inside any high-performing organisation and you will find a clear and present common purpose that unites its people, providing a source of inspiration and focus that endures short-term circumstances.  The purpose provides a foundation on which to foster a culture that breeds success and sets your organisation apart from its peers.  We develop programs that align with your strategic objectives and help to reinforce behaviour consistent with your organisation’s beliefs, culture & style.  We work with our clients to confirm and articulate the common purpose and values that inspire their people and differentiate them from their peers, and then develop practical HR strategies and HR action plans that bring the desired culture to life.

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Mastertek Events

Mastertek Training and Events Calendar We run a number of events throughout the year to support our clients in managing the complexity of human resourcing.  Use the different views (using the icons next to the keyword search banner below) to search upcoming events and contact us to register your interest - one of our team will be in touch to confirm your attendance and manage any registration fees. All event times are displayed based on Australia/Melbourne timezone. edit   Abidjan Accra Addis Ababa Algiers Asmara Bamako Bangui Banjul Bissau Blantyre Brazzaville Bujumbura Cairo Casablanca Ceuta Conakry Dakar Dar es Salaam Djibouti Douala El Aaiun Freetown Gaborone Harare Johannesburg Juba Kampala Khartoum Kigali Kinshasa Lagos Libreville Lome Luanda Lubumbashi Lusaka Malabo Maputo Maseru Mbabane Mogadishu Monrovia Nairobi Ndjamena Niamey Nouakchott Ouagadougou Porto-Novo Sao Tome Tripoli Tunis Windhoek Adak Anchorage Anguilla Antigua Araguaina Argentina - Buenos Aires Argentina - Catamarca Argentina - Cordoba Argentina - Jujuy Argentina - La Rioja Argentina - Mendoza Argentina - Rio Gallegos Argentina - Salta Argentina - San Juan Argentina - San Luis Argentina - Tucuman Argentina - Ushuaia Aruba Asuncion Atikokan Bahia Bahia Banderas Barbados Belem Belize Blanc-Sablon Boa Vista Bogota Boise Cambridge Bay Campo Grande Cancun [...]


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Organisational Design and HR Strategy

We know that managing employee performance and reward can be challenging – we’re here to help.

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