The Mastertek Organisational Effectiveness Questionaire (MO-EQ) was developed as part of our active collaborations with leading global academics and business leaders to generate insight into the people practices that research has shown to be shared by consistently high-performing organisations with highly engaged employees. Our suite of MO-EQ tools enables your organisation to pinpoint where best to deploy future efforts aimed at boosting organisational performance and effectiveness through your people.
To provide the most rounded insights into current practices possible our MO-EQ tools have been developed to consider a wide range of views – from individual HR/OD leaders’ through to Executive leadership teams and, of course, the views of employees across the organisation. You can download our guide for more information on the diagnostic tools available to subscribers along with an overview of what’s involved in getting started or read on for an overview of the different ways MO-EQ can help harness the power of insight for your organisation.